Difference between Vegetarian and Vegan

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Vegan and vegetarian diets are definitely not the same.

Vegans and vegetarians both do not consume meat. However, the two terms describe two different diets and lifestyles. Vegetarianism describes a diet in which one does not eat meat and  is usually due to health benefits, religious or political purposes. Veganism is more of a lifestyle in which one avoids not only meat but all animal products. This lifestyle is based on the philosophy that animals should be treated with the same protection rights that humans have. Vegan diets are usually strict and vegans do not consume meat or any other product obtained from animals. Vegans moreover tend to avoid inedible animal products such as wool, medicines, etc. Vegetarians on the other hand do not eat meat, fish or poultry but they consume dairy products (lacto-vegetarians) and eggs (Ovo-vegetarians). The staple foods in both a vegan and a vegetarian’s diet include fruits, vegetables and nuts.


Generally, studies have shown that vegetarians and vegans tend to be as healthy if not healthier than a normal meat-eating individual. Vegetable and nuts are known to contain fiber which aids in digestion. Vegan and vegetarian diets are known to reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. A major disadvantage of a vegan diet is the requirement to take vitamin and mineral supplements that might be lacking in their diet. There are different results of studies on the impact of these diets on the environment. However it is widely accepted that cutting down on the consumption of meat and eating more plant based meals will have a friendly impact on the environment. Many famous celebrities, activists, politicians adhere to these diets. Some vegan celebrities include singer Carrie Underwood, actor and musician Jared Leto and vegetarian celebrities include Ellen deGeneres, Natalie Portman, Peter Dinklage etc.

Vegan Vegetarian
Introduction Veganism is more of a lifestyle in which one avoids not only meat but all animal products. This lifestyle is based on the philosophy that animals should be treated with the kindness. Vegetarianism describes a diet in which one does not eat meat and  is usually due to health benefits, religious or political purposes.
Diet Vegans do not consume meat or any other product obtained from animals. Vegans moreover tend to avoid inedible animal products such as wool, medicines etc. Vegetarians on the other hand do not eat meat, fish or poultry but they consume dairy products and eggs.
Products Boycott meat and other animal derived products such as leather. Many vegetarians use animal-derived products.

Venn Diagram[edit]
